
Programs Champs Company Corner


kr4 500.00
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Product Details

Address Philip Heymans Alle 17, 2900 Hellerup.

8th Jan to 2nd March and 4th March - 27th April 2024.

2nd to 25th November 2023. Next - 27th Nov 23 - 20th Jan 2024.

Drop in 200kr one time (b) 10 weeks get in shape - dates 24th October - 23rd December 23. Next 26th Dec. 23 - 2nd March 2024.

Body type training, Hiit/Boxing, Strength training and speed. Focus: Build muscle and burn fat.Tuesday , Wednesday and Friday 6-7 and 7-8 - evenings 18-19. The programs will involve boxing for mindset, muscle details, reaction time, balance timing, agility, endurance. Discipline, consistency and work tenacity. For 8 weeks involving tracking nutrition, training and the idea of being better than you were yesterday.

We believe that in offering this full-service holistic approach, you will receive the mindset of a comprehensive and unrivalled champion in your goal for a healthy lifestyle. Learning how to train like a Champ and creating a Championship mindset.

Monday 18.00 hrs
Wednesday - 7.00 hrs-8.00 hrs
Friday 8.00 hrs.- 9.00 hrs
Saturday 9.00-10.00 hrs

Spaces available: 16

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